Research With Reach

The Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center is an independent, non-profit biomedical research organization located in Torrance, California. In dozens of laboratories throughout the campus, researchers are working to unravel the mysteries of heart and kidney disease, cardiac complications in newborns, chronic lung disease, skin cancer, sickle cell disease, disorders of the autoimmune system, and much more. Many of these projects are collaborative in nature, involving experts from different areas of specialization. Our discoveries have prevented blindness in newborns, enable premature infants with fragile lungs to breathe and allowed children with rare, often fatal diseases to grow up healthy and strong.
The complexity of today’s biomedical research problems demands that scientists move beyond the confines of their individual disciplines and work together with colleagues in complementary fields. By joining forces, The Lundquist Institute’s diverse experts are able to tackle scientific challenges more effectively and to translate their findings more quickly into practical applications for patients.